Day with Kim Weston Workshop

March 17, A Day with Kim Weston

March 17, A Day with Kim Weston

Please join us for this exciting one day, Fine Art Photography Workshop with Kim and Gina Weston! Come to central coast of California and experience the modern day bohemian lifestyle that still lives in the heart of Wildcat Hill! Visit Edward Weston’s home and old darkroom, see where Brett Weston helped Edward print the famous “Project Prints” a collection of 832 negatives considered to be Edward’s finest prints.

A Day with Kim Weston - March 26, 2011

A Day with Kim Weston - March 26, 2011

We have guests visit us at Wildcat Hill from all around the world, so once a year we try and schedule a one day workshop so people can get the flavor of what west coast photography is all about.  This day encompasses all that we have to share about our lifestyle.

A Day with Kim Weston - March 26, 2011

A Day with Kim Weston - March 26, 2011

Have you ever thought about coming for a workshop? If so, this is a perfect introductory visit. Don’t miss out on this is unique opportunity to spend the day and evening with the Weston’s! This one-day workshop offers a special introduction to the Weston family’s historic contributions to fine art photography. Imagine yourself standing in the darkroom where Edward Weston worked for over 10 years. See his original darkroom, equipment and the modest house that he and Charis lived in together. Visit Kim’s darkroom, gallery and see his latest work.

"A Day with Kim Weston" Workshop - Video


A short segment of "Growing up Weston" a lecture by Kim Weston explaining what it was like for him to grow up in the presence of The Weston Family Legacy. The consists of photos of his grandfather Edward Weston, uncle Brett Weston, and father Cole Weston. In the full length version he talks about how these great photographers have influenced his life and photography.