Weston Photography Catalogues

Weston Photography Catalogues

Check out these two beautiful catalogues featuring photographs by the Weston Family. Weston Four Generation highlights photographs by Edward, Brett, Cole, Kim and Zach Weston. Kim’s catalogue features over three decades of his work and includes 83 images.

Kim Weston Landscape Tutorial Testimonial

Kim Weston Landscape Tutorial Testimonial

A testimonial from Sean Patrick Hill who took a landscape tutorial from Kim Weston. They photographed for multiple days and printed in the darkroom.

Banner image ©Sean Patrick Hill.

The 2018 Holz/Weston Workshop on The Holz Farm

The 2018 Holz/Weston Workshop on The Holz Farm

Our Holz/Weston Workshop this year in the Catskill Mountains of upstate New York was a tremendous success. Thank you all who came out to create with us over the weekend!

Natural Light Photography Workshops

Natural Light Photography Workshops

At Weston Workshops, we teach our students how to find, and capture natural light to produce breathtaking images. Every generation of the Weston family has relied on natural light to produce stunning black and white photographs. Artificial light is rarely, if ever, used in any of their photography. 

Weston Photography | Focusing In - Edward and His Cats

Weston Photography | Focusing In - Edward and His Cats

Focusing In is a series of blogs that will highlight the many historic significances of Wildcat Hill, Edward Weston’s last residence before his death in 1958. Each week we will select a unique photograph, artifact, or piece of memorabilia that we believe is significant and worth looking into. Please accompany us on this journey into photographic history, you won’t be disappointed.

Weston Photography | Focusing In - Spring, 1943

Weston Photography | Focusing In - Spring, 1943

Focusing In is a series of blogs that will highlight the many historic significances of Wildcat Hill, Edward Weston’s last residence before his death in 1958. Each week we will select a unique photograph, artifact, or piece of memorabilia that we believe is significant and worth looking into. Please accompany us on this journey into photographic history, you won’t be disappointed.